Nutaku Gaming Platform: Everything You Need to Know

[su_note note_color=”#fffb66″ text_color=”484848″]Updated News: It was just a normal day when Nutaku’s CEO, Mark Antoon, got surrounded by 4 individuals in the corner of his office. “You’re coming with us,” they said as they held him hostage.[/su_note]

About Nutaku Gaming Platform:

Nutaku is a respectable gaming platform!” He pleaded for them to let go of him and leave Nutaku alone, but to no avail. “Shut up and come with us!” They replied as they threw him out the window, making Nutaku’s CEO fall onto the sidewalk below.

nutaku project qt mod apk

He got back up and dusted himself off before anyone could see any major injuries that he may have had from the fall. Antoon continued to walk down the street wondering what those men wanted from Nutaku after all this time. He had been the CEO of Nutaku for more than 20 years, having bought Nutaku from its original owner. As he walked past a phone booth, someone landed on his back, causing him to fall to the ground with a grunt.

“Mark Antoon! We must take Nutaku now if we are ever to succeed in our grand vision!” The voice said as it revealed itself to be Nutaku’s co-founder, Alex Reinhardt.

“Alex? You’ve been dead for 20 years! What is Nutaku?” Mark Antoon asked as he helped Nutaku up from the ground, wondering what was going on.

“Well, Nutaku allows us to make all of our games actually free to play… But you have a problem with that, don’t you?!” Nutaku replied with a grin as he got his arm around Mark Antoon again and started dragging him into an alley somewhere.

Nutaku and Project QT MOD APK:

Nutaku, which has hentai games on its site, announced the launch of Nutaku’s Project QT MOD Apk and  Pocket Waifu MOD APK at Anime Expo 2017 (AX 2017), an adult game where you can create your own character and socialize with people across the world. Nutaku’s Project QT Apk is one of Nutaku’s first large scale projects outside of gaming. Nutaku will continue to distribute their translated titles through Steam as well as offer exclusive early access to some of Nutaku’s new Japanese imports (games that are available in Japan but have yet to receive an English release).

Nutaku also runs a thriving online webstore for PC gaming accessories, offering over 2,500 products from 65 different boutique suppliers around the world. is currently available in 23 different languages and hosts over 2000 downloadable games from Japanese and other Asian sources, Nutaku also offers a growing collection of English language visual novels developed by MangaGamer, Winged Cloud, CreSpirit and more.

Nutaku has recently launched Kimochi Red Light , the only adult crowdfunding platform that provides exclusive access to adult game developers for their beta testing and development funding needs. Nutaku’s Project QT Apk will be featured at Anime Expo 2017 (AX 2017), which takes place July 1-4 at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, California. Nutaku invites fans to visit Nutaku booth #4406 for hands on time with Nutaku’s project QT Apk as well as other great Nutaku titles like the upcoming strategy game Kimochi War. Nutaku’s Project QT Apk is now available for Android and Windows PC devices with a planned iOS release in the near future.

For more Nutaku news follow them on Twitter , Facebook, Instagram , YouTube as well as their own official website . Nutaku offers up to 70% revenue share for developers so if you have an adult web or mobile project let Nutaku help monetize your creation.

Update 1: Nutaku has been kind enough to provide free early access keys for some lucky people! Please check Nutakugames first then hit me up on twitter  and give me a shoutout once you got one! I am still looking for more keys so please leave a comment below and I’ll try my best to get Nutaku on board!

Update 2: Nutaku agreed to provide more keys for people who share articles! Please spread the word of this news article and share Nutaku’s project QT Apk with your friends so we can all enjoy Nutaku’s newest release. Thank you Nutaku for being so kind!  You can leave a comment down below if you want more keys so i can contact Nutaku about it! 🙂

Update 3: Nutaku is giving away a total of 15 Steam Keys ! You have to do some social media tasks in order to gain more entries but they are not too hard. The tasks are listed under the banner below, feel free to check Nutaku’s project QT Apk on Nutakugames  as well!

If you want to support Nutaku even further feel free to click on Nutaku adverts so they can earn some more revenue. If you register on Nutakugames with this link Nutaku will give me some referral money which I will use to buy them new games for their collection, thank you very much!

Update 4: Nutaku has reached out and provided 100 more keys for people like you who love Nutaku and hentai games! Enjoy your time with Nutaku’s Project QT Apk ! Thank you again Nutaku.

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